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The Tennessee Campers on Mission Links Page

National COM Site
State Chapter Sites
Tennessee Baptist Convention COM Site
Campers On Mission Enrollment Form
National Campers On Mission Manual
TN Campers On Mission Bylaws

Campers on Mission (COM) is a national fellowship of Christian campers who desire to share their faith as they go. The organization is sponsored by the Adult Volunteer Mobilization Unit of the North American Mission Board. The Tennessee Baptist Convention has an active chapter. Membership is open to Christian campers of all denominations and requires no dues or membership fees, only a willingness to join other campers in fellowship and service.

Whether you are a tent camper, a backpacker, an RVer, or a trailer camper -- a seasonal camper, a weekend camper, or a full-timer, a retired couple, young family or single individual, there is a role for you as a part of the COM family.

As campers relate their Christian faith to fellow campers, God's love and power shines through their conversations and actions. The nature of a camper's Christian faith and the informality of the camping lifestyle makes personal ministry a natural.

The Tennessee Campers on Mission Chapter meets twice a year (spring and fall). These rallies offer opportunity for fellowship and planning. Various mission projects are also presented and discussed. Typical service projects that occur throughout the year include helping with Backyard Bible Clubs, Vacation Bible School, campground ministries, booths at fairs with tracts, cold water and information, and providing labor for construction projects.

The construction projects include building mission churches, repairing/remodeling churches and youth camps. As larger projects are undertaken, other COM members or state chapters may work together to complete the tasks.

Campers are in a unique position to help meet mission needs. In Tennessee and throughout the United States, regardless of your talents or experience, there is a role for everyone.