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The Tennessee Campers on Mission Page

President Gene HaynesPresident Gene Haynes

WELCOME to our amazing organization. New members, we are looking forward to meeting you and hope you are making plans to participate in our Fall Rally and Work Week to be held in Brentwood, TN, at the TN Baptist Childrens’ Home. Mark your calendar for Se ptember 30- October 2, 2016. The Middle Tennessee Lead Coordinators, Doyle and Pam Combs have PLANS MADE so we need to arrive ready to WORK THEIR PLAN. The request has been sent out from them for all of us to make reservations with them as soon as possible Work Week will include improvements to at least nine buildings, some major changes, and a very few minor but important. Our lumberjacks will have trees to cut and stumps to grind. Remember, the maintenance at the TBCH is almost entirely by volunteers . We need you to be a part of the solution! Serving is being the hands and feet of Jesus, our national rally theme.

COMMUNICATIONS are a must for members to stay informed and be helpful to all in making TNCOM the best it can be. Remember: will get you where you need to be on your computer for any and all information about our members, organization, activities, etc.For members who can no longer do what they have always done. You know we can always find a job for every person who is willing.

SUMMER WORK statewide has made us proud. The West TN team of workers are constantly called on for mission, ministry, and maintenance work. They never say “NO . ” One hears of a need and calls for help from mostly the regional coordinators. Some frequently work out of state as needed. Details of their jobs will be given in the West TN written report at the upcoming Fall Rally. Middle TN has had numerous workers continuing jobs at Disaster Relief Mobilization Center, Lighthouse Christian Camp at Smithville, TN,Camp Ozone, Linden Valley Baptist Conference Center, and various other places fulfilling needs for people. Several men worked endless hours at Monteagle, TN building a church in an old mall building. A complete list will be given at the Rally at Brentwood. In East TN the large team of busy COM members served many hours at numerous places in that region. Ridgecrest is still talked about as a fun place to serve, the Kings Academy School, Bethel Bible Village, as well as TBC Carson Springs, and Chattanooga Baptist Childrens’ Home . Complete reports will be presented at our Fall Rally. ALL of you working together are making TNCOM proud! Our good reputation is causing calls to come in for help with special projects. Recruiting more members and younger members will continue to enable us to never have to say “NO”.

REGIONAL COORDINATORS: Please have a typewritten report ready to present at the General Business Meeting and make a part of the agenda/minutes.

MISSION FAIRS/PUBLICITY: Recently an invitation to present a program and display about TNCOM came from a unique minister. He learned about our organization and desiring to create interest in local missions, designed a week long revival encouraging his church members to get involved in helping people in unique ways. Doyle and Pam Combs used their amazing talents and creativity and put together a slide show, oral presentation, display with pictures, booklets, tools, etc. President Gene Haynes and Secretary Billie Haynes were delighted to accompany them. It made us proud of them and of TNCOM. We have much to share in many ways. Tell us about your experiences. Put information in writing so we can use it on bulletin boards and newsletters. The spark you give us may be the bit of encouragement someone needs.