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The Tennessee Campers on Mission Page


We look forward to meeting you and working with you in the very near future. Keep informed on what we're doing by looking for information on your computer or calling any one of our leaders.

Get involved and be in-the-know by accessing the TNCOM web site created to help us all.

All information for our TN members can be found on our computers. The national website is also accessible so we can keep up with important dates, locations, work needs, reports due, registration forms for rallies, etc. For example, we already have information about the 2017 National Campers on Mission Rally. Do you know where and when it will be? Find out and go on and explore other great, interesting things in our manuals by way of your own computer. Read the By-Laws of the organization and help us to stay on track by following them.

2016 FALL RALLY—September 30-October 2
Followed by WORK WEEK—October 3-7
Brentwood Childrens' Home, Brentwood, TN
Mark your calendar. Look for information later from Doyle and Pam Combs, our new Middle Tennessee Regional Coordinators or Gene and Billie Haynes, President/Secretary. Details and Work List will follow. Watch for documents on our computer web site. Get in the habit of reading emails and looking for NEED-TO-KNOW INFORMATION. Ask for help if you're having trouble finding documents.

When you are asked to pre-register with information, please respond as quickly as possible. The leaders can only function as you want them to with your help. There is a need to know if you are coming, arrival and departure dates/times. size of camper, special electrical needs. Its like putting a puzzle together and your piece is missing if you fail to communicate your plans/needs to our coordinators.

PresidentGene Haynes
1V PresidentGary Henderson
2V PresidentGil Chard
SecretaryBillieAnn Haynes
TreasurerCheri E. Hartman
Region 4 National CoordinatorGil Chard
State ChaplainTim Bearden
Region/ Coordinators

     WestJack Sudduth, Raymond Burton
     MiddleDoyle Combs John Uggla, Gary Henderson
     EastJoel O'Brien, David Mahon

Other officer/leader replacements will be announced as confirmation is received. ALL of us must read the manuals, both Tennessee and National be sure we are serving in the way we agreed to serve.

The individual directory information on each member is on the website Its accuracy is only as correct as the information given our coordinators. Please accept the challenge of helping to make things run smoothly.

SPRING RALLY AND WORK WEEK went very well. It was heldApril 22-30, 2016 at the Chattanooga Tennessee Baptist Childrens' Home. The members attending and logging 877 work hours were: Raymond Burton, Joe, Charlene Carter, Gil Chard, Doyle Combs, Doug, Eve Ellis, Jim, Mona Green, Ray, Cheri Hartman, Gene, Billie Haynes, Gary, Jody Henderson, Philip, Sherry Hill, David, Ann Mahon, Bobby, Tina Naylor, Joel, Rosemarie O'Brien, Russ, Phyllis Powell, Ed, Judy Sandidge, Jack, Sue Sudduth.

Mr. Patrick Addison, the new director for the Chattanooga Childrens' Home, was appreciative of the hard work by our COM members restoring Johnson cottage as well as various maintenance jobs in four other houses and the office. Work Coordinators did a great job keeping people busy and materials coming as needed. Thank you to all for coming and working dilliigently.

2016 NATIONAL RALLY--The TENNESSEE Campers on Mission chapter was pleased to have 11 members in attendance at the National Rally in June in Springfield, Missouri. Especially happy to be surprised by Charles, Beverly Mitchell. Also attending were Joe, Charlene Carter, Doyle, Pam Combs, Gene, Billie Haynes, Rick, Reba Lott, and Gil Chard. It was a great rally held in outstanding facilities.