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            Campers On Mission   Spring Newsletter 2015                                                                                                                                             
It is time for Camper of the Year nominations for 2014.  The award will be presented at the Fall Rally.  Please send your nomination along with the reason you feel this person or couple should receive the award.  Please e-mail to Charlene Carter @ by June 15th.  We have a number of deserving members but we can only select one/one couple.
Our National Rally is in Marion, NC at the Tom Johnsons Rally Park from June 16 - 18, 2015.  You may still go if you wish even though you haven't made reservations.  You may go to or e-mail for more information. 
We met at Linden Valley Conf. Center in April for our Spring Rally and there were 29 members present & 3 visitors.  We got quite a bit of work done including staining boardwalk, building Steps going down to the river, repair walkway lights, set post for hammocks, repaired old steel wheel hay wagon, roofing, cleaned fountain, landscaping and painting.  We had daily devotions, food and fellowship and felt God's hand with us.  Wish more of you could have been there. 
Tim Bearden is now our new State Chaplain.
The Regional Reports given were as follows:
East TN They had 13 members working at Carson Springs on March 15 - 19, 2015.  They stayed in the Lodge and had great meals & fellowship.  With devotions each morning and work throughout the days.  They had to vacate on Thursday because of paying guests coming in.
Their work included removing and replacing ceramic tile on the Dining Room hall wall near the tray return area.
Removing & replacing insulated water pipes that had frozen and installed a new water cutoff valve. 
Replaced damaged sheet rock in the Activities Building.
Completed two small painting projects in the Conference Center.
Repaired sheet rock and painted two class rooms in the Chapel.
Assisted housekeeping with room change outs and general cleaning.
They plan to do some midsummer work at Harrison-Chilhowee but the date has not been set yet because of Walter Grubb's illness.
This is planned sometime before school starts back in the fall.  If anyone (in Middle or West) is interested in helping in this project, just e-mail Joel @ OBRIENJOEL@AOL.COM.  He will send out information to all as soon as the date is set. 
Middle TN Our work project at the Brentwood Bap. Children's Home was on Nov. 9th - 14th, 2014.  We had a great time and got a lot of  work done. 
Our work included:
Remove water damaged drywall and carpet in one cottage.
Removed water damage Ceiling Tile in Tudor House kitchen.
Various landscaping & shrub work.
Admin Building Strip wall paper in one office.  Did painting in 4 offices and Copy Room.  Replaced counter top and sink in Copy Room.
            Added 4 electrical duplex outlets in Office.  Removed cabinets and capped water lines in upstairs storage room.
We were entertained on Sunday evening by Bill & Jeanine Walker.
Mineral Springs FBC,  Monterey, TN,    Feb. 26 - Mar. 10, 2015
As a result of the Ice Storm a lot of work was needed in this Upper Cumberland Region.  Four members were at this work site.
Joe Carter went to a meeting and was assigned to be the Electrician because they had no one there that could pull permits.  Four guys went with him and did most of the electrical work because Joe got sick.  They repaired 12 electrical service entrances to family's that could not afford to hire an Electrician to make repairs.  They shared the Gospel with people they came in contact with, some seeds were planted and prayers answered.
Also a couple worked with Chain Saws on the Cumberland Plateau in February.
Linden Valley Conf. Center, Mar. 2 - Mar. 4, 2015
There were 14 members at this work site.  Several couldn't go because of the Monterey project.
The men worked on removing and replacing carpet in the Conference Center conference rooms at the end of the building.  Team work made it possible to complete a week long project in 2 ½ days before freezing weather moved in.  The group worked long hours and worked in shifts.  Great plan. 
The ladies did cleaning in the Dining Hall, washed curtains and made a 10' x 80' Privacy Panel for the Dining Room.
Devotionals were held each day at noon and all were blessed by feeling God's love in the accomplishments through these tasks.
West TN
From October, 2014 thru April of 2015, a West TN COM Prison Ministry Team went to a local TN State Prison most every Thursday night to have worship services with the Inmates in two different area Pods.  Several Professions of Faith were made and many rededications made during this reported time.
In late October a team assisted a church in the Chicago area with Tree work.
Also in October, at Linden Valley, some members assisted the West area RA ministry during a Camp-O-Ree event with some support needed.
From last Fall's Rally until the Spring Rally, 2015 a group of members placed and presented about 5,000 Gospel Tracts at prisons, small rural churches, Mission/Ministry Fairs, and business office locations.
In November, 2014, a team cut and prepared firewood for heating to help an elderly person.
In January, 2015, a group ministered to and helped elderly persons with tree issues caused by the winter weather.
In February, 2015, members helped the Bartlett Baptist Children's Home with tree problems. 
Also in February a team presented a TN COM Ministry Display during a 7 day Mission/Ministry Fair event at a large Memphis church.
Apparently there has been some West TN COM members who have been involved in some Mission/Ministry activities that has not been reported to our Coordinators Team.  Please report all activities that you do to your coordinator.
We have received two resignations from COM.  They are Ken & Sue Stout and Mike Semich.  We are sorry they have medical problems and do not feel capable of serving anymore but if they feel like joining us in the future, we will be happy to have them.
Our Fall Rally will be on Sept. 25 thru Oct. 2.  Meeting will be on the 25th & 26th and our work week is the Sept. 28th thru Oct. 2. It will be at the Boys Ranch in Millington, TN.  Put it on your calendar.  Let's have a GREAT attendance. 
Love in Christ,
Joe & Charlene Carter
TN COM President & Secretary